

Phil, is my one and only sibling. He and his wife live near Hamby, and worship in Clyde where he serves as an elder. He is a fireman for the Abilene Fire Department. He is three years older than me and for as long as I can remember I have looked up to him. He has always been a good brother, protective, supportive and one that all I have to do is call and he will be there. He is so talented but the thing that gives me the greatest joy is watching him as a father and husband. He is an amazing dad. He has two sons and one daughter-in-law and a very precious wife named Carolyn. He and Carolyn are so supportive and such great parents! Our grandson, Owen, things "Uncle Phil" is the coolest! He always plays ball with him! Anyone who plays ball is really cool in Owen's book. Phil is pretty cool in my book too! Love you bro!

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