
Look who came to see us this weekend...

On Thursday this is who arrived at our house!
Ashley came too! :)
David was at a men's retreat at their church. Missed you David!
We had so much fun. We had lots of fun family time. We played. We held and kissed on Emma and her adorable little rolls! We shopped. We ate good food. We went to a clothes sale. We did an Easter craft...you know us...we always love a craft project. We did LOTS AND LOTS of talking. It was so fun. It was so delightful to see Emma starting to really "know us". It took about a full day, then we got lots of smiles, giggles and snuggles...oh yeah...and lots of kisses! She has the best slobbery kisses! :) One thing I know for sure, she is going to be an outdoor girl! She loves being outside so Ashley and David better start working on a fun backyard for her to play in because I think they are going to be spending a lot of time there! :) I sat her in our highchair by our back screen door and she sat there for 45 minutes looking at the trees blowing and listening to the birds singing! Emma also got some fun cousin time with her three cousins, who are really taken with her. They are so PRECIOUS with her, bringing her toys, making sure her pacifier doesn't fall on the ground...you know really important stuff! We also took pictures of the four grands, but I will load those later because those were taken with Ashley's and Zach & Meg's cameras, but for the time being, I will leave you a couple more of Emma!


Island time...

So there is an expression on the Island of Antigua. Island Time. Everything runs slower and more relaxed! We have just returned from a Spring Break Campaign to Antigua and I am having trouble getting out of Island Time! :) It was an amazing week. We went with our University students at Hillcrest. It was an incredible trip. I am going to blog about it soon...show a few of the 100's of pictures I took...but first I want to share all our experiences with our children first. We have visited with Zach and Meg, but today Ashley and Emma are driving in so we can share pictures, stories and explain to her how these people have changed our lives! PLUS, we get to see Emma! That is for sure one thing we both missed while we were gone...our kids!!! So, until I get caught up with "life stuff"...I will simply leave you with this...ahh...I think I could get use to a little more "Island Time"! Really we only spent one day at the beach the rest of the time we worked with children, picked up trash, cleaned a vacant lot, visited a rest home, etc...and that is where we really saw God! The country is beautiful but the people at Villa Church of Christ truly are on amazing! I will be back soon to share stories and ways these people really touched my heart!


Favorite Things Friday-Health, Wellness & Fitness

Wow, I am certainly not an EXPERT on this subject! Ha. I am actually looking forward to what others might suggest, but here is my few new "find". Heard about it on the Today Show and it has really helped me try to stay focused!!! I am NOT a big diet fan. Basically because for me, I know I won't stay on it! Plus, I just think we all need to try our best to eat healthy as much as we can and not beat ourselves up when we splurge. As long as I don't splurge EVERY meal. :) If I have any words of wisdom to the younger generation...take care of your body. I wish so much I had started YEARS ago exercising on a daily basis and eating more things that God created and not all the processed foods. Now, I am just trying to take one day at a time and try my best to make healthier food choices.

LOSE IT - An app for iphone users. It allows you to keep a record of your calorie count, exercise, etc. I don't live by it, but the one thing it has done is show my how quickly I can "eat up" my alloted calories for a day! Yikes. I have tried in the past to keep a journal of my food intake...which I was usually good about doing for about 2 days. :) This does make that process easier and shows you how you have done for the week. Best part: The App is free!!!


Crazy Fun Fast Weekend

David, Ashley and Emma came to town this weekend. It was so wonderful to see them but it was a whirlwind weekend for sure! We had tons of fun but of course as always...just not enough time!!

They arrived late on Friday and then Saturday was busy for them. The morning was filled with them taking Emma to have her 6 month picture taken! That is crazy in itself! How can she already be 6 months old!!! It is flying! Then we kept Emma while David and Ashley had a lunch date! We were very excited about our babysitting job...except for the fact that she slept through all but 30 minutes of it! :) We loved it...I just watched her sleep...which is pretty precious!!

Saturday evening Zach, Meg and the boys joined us for dinner and time to visit! It was fun, the boys of course were so excited that DaDa, Allie and Baby Emma Grace were in town. We had a great evening as a family. I always love to hear all the chattering and playing that happens when we gather!

Sunday was filled with church then a quick bite to eat before they headed home. They had house church to get back for so like I said, it was crazy fun but oh too fast!!! I am sad to say, I didn't get hardly any pictures but here is one of Emma sitting in Bud's lap and one of my favorite things that Emma does...she always crosses her little legs at her ankles! Such a little lady!


Favorite Things Friday-Hair Care

I am doing a lot of experimenting with my hair right now. I got a new cut a few months ago and it can have a straight style or a curly style. When my hairdresser cuts it and styles it...I like it better than any hair style I have EVER had. The only problem is, I am a little flat iron challenged. Actually a LOT. I am not sure exactly what I am doing wrong...all I know is when Jenny fixes it, it looks great, stays cute for two days and I wish she could come by every other morning and fix my hair. :) All of these products come from Sally's.

I like it curly too...that I can do...but that is because it basically does itself! :) So, here are the products my sweet daughter, Ashley, has introduced me to and I love them! Plus I love that Sally's has a buy 2 get one free sale going on right now! :)
For the curly look: I wash my hair and then put some of this in it and leave it till it is almost dry. Beyond the Zone Noodle Head

Then for the curly look still, before it is completely dry, I spritz this in and kind of set it using the blow dryer. Love this product! Beyond the Zone The Scruncher

If and when I do the straight style, I apply this to the roots before blow drying. Beyond the Zone Power Lift