
Where does the time go?

Several have mentioned to me lately that they have missed my blogs. It is hard for me to remember that anyone really reads them...I do this for selfish reasons. I am not good at keeping a diary or journal (like my friend Karen!) so this is kind of my stab at keeping up with "life events" or thoughts. I would like to think if I had more time on my hands, that I would be much better at journaling but the truth of the matter is there is a long list of things I wish I had time to do. Play with my grandkids more, craft, sew, dig in my flower beds, go camping, start writing my life story, etc. But somehow, life just seems to be so busy right now! I am thankful to God that he has brought many new opportunities to the Zach and Larry Knight families. At the same time, things are a bit crazy...a good crazy but crazy nonetheless! But having said that, I don't want to forget to write about all the fun times we have snuggled into our daily schedule lately...so I will try my best to let the pictures talk for me!
In the past few weeks, this is what has brought me the greatest joys..

Emma enjoying some backyard time
Having a little "weee" time as she calls it!
Sweet times...Bud and Emma checking out the front yard
Emma taking a bath in the kitchen sink...don't you love the "do" I gave her!
Emma giving Honey some snuggles
Honey and all her grands..Emma, Will, Owen & Clay
Love how Clay and Emma are holding hands and looking at each other!
Emma playing with her "new" doll at Honey's house-we had to get a few girl toys!!!
Sweet picture of Emma and her mommy!
Emma being silly! Such a cutie with a fun little personality blooming!



I love this man! No, he isn't my husband but I still love him! He has been there for me through thick and thin. He tells me when I am out of line and comforts me when family issues weigh down on me. Larry isn't jealous, he understands and allows me to have this man in my life. Okay, before you freak out...he is my brother. My only sibling. My older brother. I could fill this blog with all sorts of memories I have with him. But today, I just want to thank him. He has been a fireman for 22 years in Abilene. He worked his last shift recently. I have always been so proud of my brother. I have always looked up to him. When he decided to become a fireman, it was just another way that I would admire him. To protect and help others. He is a good man. Abilene lost a fine fireman when he retired. It was time, he is ready to move on and do other things...like train horses, travel, etc. He is a gentle man. He can tell a great story, in fact, he should be a writer! He is a wonderful father to his two sons. He and Carolyn, his wife are faithful Christians. He is also a great uncle to our kids.

Today, I just want to thank him for choosing an occupation that allowed him to not only be an example to his co-workers but also all the people he touched in his 22 years of service. I know him. I know he treated the individuals he encountered with dignity, caring words and humor, when appropriate. I know that because that is how he lives his life. I know his heart was heavy many times when he made tough calls at work. He saw a lot. Some was heartbreaking and other times encouraging and even a few calls were quite funny! He took it all in stride and thankfully God watched over him through each shift.

A couple of weeks ago we surprised him with a Family Retirement Party. Of course, he had instructed his wife and kids that he didn't want any kind of party...but he didn't tell me! :) We fixed all his favorite foods and decorated with lots of fire trucks and pictures! It was a wonderful time to celebrate as a family. My Mom was so proud of him when he joined the Fire Department but also so fearful for his safety. I wish she had been here to celebrate with us, but I like to think she was smiling down on this day.

Phil, thank you for the example you have been to me, our kids and our grandkids. The little ones think you are about as cool as they come! Thank you for the tours of the fire station, letting them try on your bunker, sit in your truck, and lay on your bed in the station. Those are sweet memories! So, here are a few pictures from our celebration...I love you brother!!!


If only she could talk...

My Singer that is. Actually, my Mom's Singer. As long as I can remember, this was the machine my Mother used. Dad bought her another Singer once, and as she said, it was a lemon! She would get so frustrated with it, then I would see her back to sewing on her tried and true first Singer. She really tried her hardest to teach me how to sew. I was a hard case! I wanted to learn, but I was so impatient. I wanted to be good from the start. Mom tried. Then I took sewing in High School. What a disaster. If my Mom was ever unhappy with one of my teachers, she never let on. She never talked badly about them. But my Home Ec. teacher let us go to Cloth World and pick out whatever fabric and pattern we wanted for our sewing project...no limits! I came home with a pattern that was super complicated. So complicated, my Mom said she would have NEVER selected it and she knew how to sew! Mom was not happy. Probably because she was so hopeful my sewing teacher would be able to teach me to sew and to love it! Well, as you can imagine, my time in class was miserable. I tore out seams so many times that I wore out the fabric! I really don't know how I even finished it. All I can remember was it had many ruffles, puffy sleeves, french cuffs, a zipper, buttons, etc. Not really a good first clothing item! I should have made elastic waist pajama pants, that is challenging enough for me! At the end of the semester, we had a fashion show and we wore our garments. I remember I could not breathe! The bodice on my dress was so tight that I thought I would pass out before I got across the stage. I am sure my Mom was a nervous wreck that her daughter would pop all the buttons and zipper before I finished modeling. It was one of those experiences that more or less scars you for life. The thing that makes me so sad, is I WANT to sew so badly! There is really no telling what this little sewing machine would tell us, if it could talk! She has been there through my whole growing up years...the years when I would sit by my Mom and watch her sew me clothes, make my babies and my Barbies clothes, make curtains for my bedroom and that was just when I lived at home! Then after I married, mother made curtians for our first home, then dust ruffles, etc. for a nursery and the list goes on and on. I don't know how many times, I have wished I could rewind the clock and take those lessons again. I am trying to teach myself. I am not a good student, I am sure my Mom is nodding her head right now! I don't want to make all my own clothes! I would love to be able to sew for my granddaughter. I would love to be able to make a simple quilt for all my grand kids. It is more the "crafty" home decor sewing I aspire to do. I am determined to take baby steps. Today, I pieced together a table runner. I finished the top and it was actually a lot of fun. I didn't have to rip out one thing! Yahoo. Of course, it isn't finished but I went as far as I could today. Now I must find time to go back to Cabbage Rose and find some fabric for the back and binding. As I was sewing today, as that Singer was making those little stitches, I got to thinking about my Mom. She sat at that machine so many hours, creating things for her family and for her home. I may not have taken after her in that area but she would be thrilled to know that someone has...Ashley. Ashley isn't afraid of trying. She thankfully doesn't have a scar from a bad experience lurking over her! I didn't teach her to sew, but she is learning on her own and she is doing a great job! Mom would be so proud! I know I am!


A picture is worth a thousand words" Wednesday

These picture comes with a few words. Words of encouragement to you...to take pictures of your mom, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and your children. I have realized recently, after sorting through ALL our family photos, that even though my Mom and I spent much time in the kitchen together growing up and even more after I was married...I do not have a single picture of the two of us cooking together. I cherish the few I have of my mom and my grandmother...but oh how I wish we had gotten some of the two of us together. I think we often forget to take pictures of the ordinary day-to-day stuff. Working together in the kitchen is something most of us women do a lot of! Next time you are cooking with your mom or your child...take a picture!!! This past Thanksgiving, Ashley and I were busy making the dressing and other sides for our meal and Larry and David snapped a few pictures of us while we were cooking and talking! I will cherish those pictures forever! Do it for your children! I love that Zach and Ashley have these pictures of my Mom and Murdee (yes, that is what we called my grandmother!). There are lots of things in these pictures that I love...how my Mom has her hand on my grandmothers back, the memories of that kitchen, but my favorite...is seeing those two ladies hands. They wouldn't be chosen to advertise jewelry or nail products...but those hands are so beautiful to me. Those hands represent two ladies that served others and God with their hands!

(Thank you Karen for scanning the pictures of my Mom, so I could post them! You are the best! If I ever get my scanner to work, I will probably bore all of you to death with old pictures!!!)