I can't say that I have a green thumb, but I sure try! I love working in my yard...actually I like digging in the dirt! I love planting flowers, designing flowerbeds...yes...I even find satisfication in mowing (though Larry might be shocked to hear this). I normally buy my flowers in those little six-packs...and it is not an quick run to the garden store for me. It takes me awhile. I have to survey ALL the choices, then I must select what type of flower I want to plant and then comes the decision of what colors to plant and if more than once color is needed...what will blend with each other and with what's already in the yard! Yes...it is quite a production! This year, I decided to plant some morning glory seeds that had sat in my utility room for over a year. To say the least, I was "doubtful" they would even sprout, which just goes to show you what little faith I had! I read the directions, plopped them into the ground, covered them up with a little dirt, gave them a little drink and went about my business.
He has taught me a lot this summer...God has sweetly reminded me of His power and goodness through those tiny little seeds...
He has taught me about what can happen when we plant the seed and leave the rest to God. I have been blown away by the display of morning glories I enjoy each morning when I walk into my kitchen and look at the window. Larry had built me an arbor several years ago and I just hadn't found anything that would climb it and also give me a blanket of blooms...well God has once again reminded me of His power!
The lesson has nothing to do with the flowers...which don't get me wrong...they have been a delight. It has been a beautiful reminder of all the ways God provides for us. He has nutured these flowers, watered them, given them just enough sun and just enough shade to flourish...like He does for us each day! He gives us all the right ingredients to live a good life...He provides for us so abundantly! He wants to see us grow!
But what I have been reminded about once again is about the seeds! He wants us to plant seeds in this world so that He can nourish them!
Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do NOT give up! Galatians 6:9
your flowers look beautiful, and what a beautiful lesson!
Rest assured that you have planted a seed in my little heart and have nourished it over the years! I truly am grateful for all you've done for me! Love ya!
love your posts! :)
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