One thing that we knew immediately we would have to work on was the actual store. This business has been on Pine Street for 40 plus years, but at least for the last SEVERAL years it has not been updated, etc. SO...we have a lot to do and we are only able to do it in baby steps. For one thing, Saturday and Sunday are the only days we are closed, so that is really the only day we can do BIG projects. Second, money. We are trying to get the biggest bang for the least amount of money right now...after all, we need to see how this little business will fare! Good thing is, we do know a few things about remodel work! We are very fortunate to have one very amazing employee, Pat. Pat has been with them for over 20 years, and she knows her stuff! :) She has been not only wealth of information and help to us...but she is just a precious and sweet lady and a joy to work with. Oh yes, one other thing...she is our sister-in-law! She is married to Larry's oldest brother, Steve. Just another perk!!! We love you Pat!!!
Back to fixing the place up. We have SO much to do but as I is one step at a time. First thing we attacked was the customer/employee bathroom. I could tell you how nasty it was but I think I will just let the pictures speak...and they speak rather loudly! One project down...ten million to go!
Before...yes this is a company that sells tile! :)
After...see what a little tile and paint can do for a place! :) more view.
After...I am loving those glass tiles!
Because the list is rather long of things to do...we are really trying to be smart about the money we spend on these projects. I am saying this because I think as homeowners we are all wanting to get the most bang for our buck! I love how this little project came together. In cleaning out the back room and storage sheds, we found a lot of odds and ends of tile. It was my goal to use those tiles. We were able to use one tile for the floors and up the walls and then a smaller tile as a border. The only thing we purchased were the glass tile and even then we took the 12" pieces and cut them into strips and got "more mileage" out of each piece! The sink...found it at our local Habitat for Humanity Store! Score!!! The commode looks like new once a little elbow grease was applied! :) Then I shopped Hobby Lobby for several weeks...making the most of the 50% items to put together the final touches. One thing is for sure...we aren't embarrased for our employee or our customers to visit our restroom now!! :)
Many more projects to until later...