Halloween 2010 was a very busy one but it was so very fun. Here is a quick update of how we spent this holiday:
It was our 4th annual "Orange Like a Pumpkin Dinner" for the grandkids. Emma was unable to attend this years event, but next year we will do better planning so that ALL our grands can be there!!! I always send an invitation to attend the dinner, where all the food is orange! Yummy huh! Our dinner consisted of Mummy Dogs, Carrots, Mandarin Oranges, Cheetos and "orange" Ranch dip! Nutritious huh!?!?! I told Larry I could make a few black options, but opted out of burning dinner in order to make that happen! :) Over dinner, we discussed how many different options we had for our pumpkins...scary, goofy, silly, happy, sad, or just plain crazy!
Then we carve a pumpkin together. The boys were so sweet and I think everyone had a really good time. Carving a pumpkin with 6 little hands holding various scoops and knives is an experience everyone should have! I am proud to announce no band-aids were needed! :)
They came dressed in their costumes this year...they were "hunter men" and were decked out in the camo! Very cute!!
The boys each picked a card which revealed which feature they would be in charge of designing and cutting. Clay picked eyes and wanted "triangle eyes".
Owen was in charge of the nose. He immediately said he wanted a "cross nose". I made an "x" and he said, "No Honey, a cross like Jesus died on. I made more of an "plus sign" and he then replied "That is it, you know, kind of like a hospital cross"! He makes us laugh!
Will got the mouth! And he wanted a happy smile, just like his!
Here is the finished product with 3 adorable little guys sitting so proud!
On Halloween weekend, we drove over and spent the night with David, Ashley and Emma. Ashley, Emma and I did a bit of shopping on Friday and then we had dinner, which was delicious, thanks Ashley! We enjoyed an evening of visiting and Emma got dressed in her Halloween costume so she could "Trick or Treat" us...and it was all TREAT for us!!! She was so cute and funny and seemed to know how cute she looked! And cute she was!!!
Check out this adorable little lamb!
We left the next morning and spent the rest of our weekend with our dear friends, The Trice's. Fun times as always and no pictures to show as always! We always laugh, that Gordon is an amazing photographer but we have very few casual pictures of us with them...we just don't think to get out a camera!! Oh well, we had such a good time and cherish our time with this sweet precious couple! Thanks again Gordon and Pam, we had such a good time!